来源: | 作者:passion | 发布时间: 2016-10-10 | 18616 次浏览 | 分享到:

McDonald's "disgusting" dunking advice has fast food lovers divided - where do you stand? 麦当劳的糟心饮食建议让快餐爱好者出现了内讧,您往哪边儿站?

The fast food chain posed the question on their Facebook page - and many people are relieved they can finally admit to this habit

A portion of fries from McDonald's. Would you dip these in a milkshake?

Much of the rich tapestry of life is down to our individual tastes and preferences.

Food in particular is a divisive category. Some people can't be in the same room as a jar of Marmite . Others spoon it from the jar with a liberal abandon.
比如美食就是一个最好的例子。有人受不了跟酸汤同框,有人纵情于酸汤之勺久久不忍离去。(可达译注:你没听错,liberal abandon唯一的正确的的翻译就是:纵情于此不忍离去

And that's just the tip of the food-related iceberg. 

Recently, a question posed on their Facebook page by the overlords of fast food, McDonald's , has sparked a furious debate.

每日单词  overlord



It has nothing to do with anything as tame as whether to go large or not. Or if a Filet-O-Fish is an acceptable alternative to a burger. No, the million dollar question is as follows. 

"What's your favourite flavour to dunk your fries in?"

That's favourite milkshake flavour to dunk your fries in, by the way.

McDonald’s advises diners to dunk their fries in MILKSHAKE

And while this question seems to have made some McDonald's fans nauseous, others are grateful for finally being able to be open about this secret dunking habit.

每日单词  nauseous

nauseous 念“喏,射死”,意思是令人恶心的。


For the record, we think their french fries go particularly well with a chocolate milkshake.

Secret dunkers of the world unite让所有病态饮食爱好者出柜并且团结起来吧!


It seems all over the country - perhaps even SAT RIGHT NEXT TO YOU NOW - is a clandestine dunker.

每日单词  clandestine



Like Sarah MacKinnon, who admitted, "I am so glad I have found others that do this. Chocolate everytime."

And Steffy Louise Cox who added, "I love dunking my fries into a strawberry milkshake, I've done it for years and it tastes amazing." 比如内谁,还有内谁,都说她们就喜欢这么搭,么么哒。(可达译注:对这么白痴的文字,我能给翻译成这样已经很给面儿了。

  • Man films himself having sex with a McChicken sandwich - makes everyone feel sick 某男子把自己和麦香鸡做爱的画面拍成了视频,结果每个人看完以后都长达8天十五秒不想听到麦当劳三个字。(可达译注:8天15秒是我加的,谢谢您的掌声!

Just add chips? The nation is split  就为薯条这么点儿事,咱美国就国将不国了么?

Obviously the idea had its detractors.


Donna Spooner had a very strong reaction to the post, exclaiming, "Nearly threw up a little, no just no, can't ruin a good milkshake or fries hahaha." 

In Donna's camp was Dannii Marie Dennis who added, "Dunk fries in milkshake? Who does that? Unless pregnant 'n have weird cravings then yeah, but 'part from that."

很明显,这个主意不乏反对者,比如Donna Spooner和同阵营的Dannii Marie Dennis, 他们的观点是:“把薯片放到奶昔里的人,应该是孕傻人士。孕傻人士热爱一切莫名其妙的事情,除此之外嘛,哼哼哼哼”。可达译注:不“哼哼哼哼”不足以翻译出but apart from that作结尾这么贱的语气。

